Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Dear Resident,
I fully support proposition 8. I just cannot tolerate two men sticking their dicks into eachother. All I like is regular hetrosexual sex. I love watching it. But when I watch, I never look at the dick, only the vagina (because I am not gay). I also love it when two girls lick eachothers vaginas vigerously and voraciously. And I am not talking about homosexual sex with two woman. Just two women that love coupling with men but want to try it one time with another woman.

Friday, October 10, 2008

depress exercise

i was depressed temporarily. i told myself that i would write down the next time that i felt like this. to prove that it is a temporary feeling.
in library.
with dillon
dillon could have triggered it
library could have
food could have
dehydration could have