Thursday, August 28, 2008


i used to thinkm all the library staff were shit, untill the new guy showed up. he says he started working here two weeks ago. at first, i saw him talking ot the front desk asshole who possibly has aspbergers like me, i realize. he seems like he is badass. the new guy, that is. so that old worker is a faggot, that other guy from a long time ago who doesnt wokr here anymroe is ugly asshole, and the elders are slightly prickish.

ps typespeed is trying to improve.
seems like a crappy rant.

book media list

books partly read
bizaro and other strange manifistations of dan piarro
Laugh Lines: Ben Bova
Jonathen strange and mr norrell

blood music
the diamond age
starship tooopers
strangerin a strange land
isaac asimovs anthology/ selected shorts
best of science fiction: gold

dawn of the dead
Team america, world police

checkout list:
the 50 best sights in astronomy and how to see them
how to cheat at everything
body drama
boobs: a guide to your girls.